The causes and consequences of having too much (and the wrong kinds of) cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood are totally correctable through changes in diet, exercise and the use of nutritional supplements. As in all medical conditions the basis of treatment must be the improvement of mitochondrial function and restoring the gastrointestinal microbiome. The following list of natural medicines will allow you to balance the fats in your blood without statins and other drugs.
1) Fish Oil Extract: 82% EPA/DHA in the triglyceride form

Our brand of fish oil is the most concentrated and pure available on the world market. Just as importantly, the fatty acids in this product are in the triglyceride form which is been shown to be the most bioavailable form and the most effective product available. Each capsule of 1000 mg contains 820 mg of EPA and DHA. These substances are a major component of all cell membranes of the body especially the brain and are converted into hormones known as prostaglandins. When we have the proper ratios and forms of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 families of fatty acids, we are able to have a balanced prostaglandins system which results in normalization of blood fats, blood pressure, blood viscosity and level of inflammation in the system. In some cases special extracts of fish oil with a high concentration of either EPA or DHA are needed. This is based on the particular condition of the patient and the results of the red blood cell fatty acid profile.
2) Time Release Niacin

This is a form of vitamin B3 and has been used for over 40 years to lower total cholesterol and raise HDL ("good cholesterol") levels. The dose needs to be worked up to 2000 mg per day. Even though our niacin is a time released product the patient may still experience the side effects of niacin – Flushing, itching and redness of the skin. It can terrify the patient but it is a perfectly benign, self-limiting reaction. The side effect, when it does occur, gradually subsides upon continuing to take the niacin.
3) Berberine
4) PhosChol PPC: Polyenylphosphatidylcholine

This special fraction of phosphatidyl choline from Nattermann Company in Germany has over 1000 scientific articles documenting its action and efficacy in ameliorating many conditions. These include protecting and repairing the liver during viral infection or toxic damage, reduction of arterial plaque, helping skin disorders including psoriasis, improving mental problems from dementia to multiple sclerosis, reversing kidney disorders and improving mood and well-being. How could it be useful for so many issues? It is a phospholipid and these substances are key components of the membranes of all cells. This product is pharmaceutical grade and is even available for intravenous injection. It consists of the active biotherapeutic fraction known as polyenylphosphatidyl choline and 1,2 dilinoleoylphosphatidyl choline. There is no remotely comparable product available. The oral dose is one 900 mg capsule three times daily.
5) Tocotrieneols

These long-chain versions of vitamin E protect LDL particles from oxidative damage by free radicals. LDL cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease – the damage to these important carriers of cholesterol and other fats are the real cause. Dose is 100 mg twice daily.
6) Phytosterols

These molecules are basically cholesterol-like substances found in the oily fraction of plant tissues. They compete with cholesterol for absorption and more importantly, they enhance bile acid production by the liver which protects against fatty liver. In addition normalization of the circulation of fats and various toxic substances between the small intestines and the liver (called the Enterhepatic Circulation) is a key mechanism for enhancing health at many levels. Doses of 1 to 3 grams per day have been shown to lower blood fats.
7) Mucopolysaccharide Concentrate

This product contains the building blocks of connective tissue derived from animal collagen. These substances have been shown to actually reverse atherosclerosis of the arteries. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory effects and make blood cells less sticky and thus less prone to clots. The very ground state of ourselves tissues and organs are constructed from these molecules. The dose is 3 to 6 capsules daily.
8) Polycosanol

This waxy alcohol is derived from sugarcane processing and has been shown to reduce production of both triglycerides and cholesterol in the liver. The dose is 20 mg once daily
9) Bioflavinoids: Curcumin, Quercetin, Polyresveratrol, Plantioxidants

Mixtures of bioflavonoids and polyphenols found in the products Polyresveratrol and Plantioxidants all have been shown to inhibit free radical damage to tissues including blood vessels, brain cells and heart cells. These will be prescribed when needed based on the Cleveland Heart Lab test results which measure oxidation products and levels of inflammatory enzymes in the blood.