Fatigue is probably the most common complaint people bring to their doctor – along with pain to which it is related. Fatigue is caused by reduced function of the tiny furnaces and ourselves in which we make energy for life's processes, the mitochondria. Loss of the ability to make sufficient energy is at the basis of all disease.
The following substances are key components of these systems. Use of these nutrients is called "mitochondrial resuscitation". We will refer to these nutrients again as part of the treatment program for many conditions.
The following five nutrients will be used in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, depression, cancer and chronic infections:
The following substances are key components of these systems. Use of these nutrients is called "mitochondrial resuscitation". We will refer to these nutrients again as part of the treatment program for many conditions.
The following five nutrients will be used in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, depression, cancer and chronic infections:
1. Coenzyme Q 10 - This vitamin like molecule is part of the chain of enzymes through which electrons flow to ultimately make the energy of life – ATP. A Q10 blood level can be drawn to know the extent of your deficiency.
2. Acetyl-L-Carnitine – This amino acid is needed to transfer fats into the mitochondrial furnaces so that they can be burned to make heat and energy. It is no coincidence that people who suffer from fatigue also are often cold all the time. We are only warm-blooded because 60% of the fuel we burn is turned into heat.
3. Magnesium – This mineral activates 80% of the enzymes in our body and is a key component of the mitochondrial enzyme which produces cellular energy in the form of ATP. We and others have published scientific papers proving that almost every person is deficient.
4. D- Ribose – This sugar is a building block of our genetic material (DNA and RNA). D-Ribose is also a component of the ultimate energetic substance in our cells – ATP. It has been shown to improve heart function in patients with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have also been shown to benefit from the substance.
5. Alpha Lipoic Acid – This B vitamin like molecule neutralizes the free radicals generated in the mitochondria, recycles other antioxidants and chelates heavy metals. It is been shown to benefit people with diabetic neuropathy, fatigue, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory disorders and mercury poisoning.
These five are the most important of the nutrients which function in energy production in the mitochondria but other vital substances are also needed. These include hormones such as hydrocortisone and the active thyroid hormone T3. As in all conditions, the total picture of the individual patient must be considered. Corrections of diet, digestive functions, hormone balance, fatty acid, vitamin and mineral deficiencies must all be addressed. In addition detoxification of heavy metals and iron overload (chelation, phlebotomy) and other poisons (sauna) is also important as is the identification and treatment of infections (Lyme, mycoplasmas, hidden viruses, Candidiasis etc.).
Other naturally occurring molecules are often needed. These include DHEA, 7-keto DHEA, Pregnenalone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone and high doses of Riboflavin (Vit-B2) and niacinamide (Vit-B3), Oxaloacetic Acid (Benegene™) can be used to activate the Krebs Cycle and a special fat soluble form of thiamine (Vit-B1) called Allithiamine activates the rate limiting enzyme in the conversion of food to energy in the mitochondrion: Pyruvate dehydrogenase (also known as "The Pyruvate Enzyme" because it is so important).
Finally, even with a change of diet, correction of the microbiome and digestion, sometimes the mitochondria won't get into gear and start pouring out energy. In those cases we have to apply various intravenous therapies including oxidative therapies to jump start the mitochondria and kill the chronic infections that are jamming up the systems.
Contact our Center if you would like to see Dr. Waters about your fatigue and getting the correct dose of the above very important nutrients.
2. Acetyl-L-Carnitine – This amino acid is needed to transfer fats into the mitochondrial furnaces so that they can be burned to make heat and energy. It is no coincidence that people who suffer from fatigue also are often cold all the time. We are only warm-blooded because 60% of the fuel we burn is turned into heat.
3. Magnesium – This mineral activates 80% of the enzymes in our body and is a key component of the mitochondrial enzyme which produces cellular energy in the form of ATP. We and others have published scientific papers proving that almost every person is deficient.
4. D- Ribose – This sugar is a building block of our genetic material (DNA and RNA). D-Ribose is also a component of the ultimate energetic substance in our cells – ATP. It has been shown to improve heart function in patients with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have also been shown to benefit from the substance.
5. Alpha Lipoic Acid – This B vitamin like molecule neutralizes the free radicals generated in the mitochondria, recycles other antioxidants and chelates heavy metals. It is been shown to benefit people with diabetic neuropathy, fatigue, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory disorders and mercury poisoning.
These five are the most important of the nutrients which function in energy production in the mitochondria but other vital substances are also needed. These include hormones such as hydrocortisone and the active thyroid hormone T3. As in all conditions, the total picture of the individual patient must be considered. Corrections of diet, digestive functions, hormone balance, fatty acid, vitamin and mineral deficiencies must all be addressed. In addition detoxification of heavy metals and iron overload (chelation, phlebotomy) and other poisons (sauna) is also important as is the identification and treatment of infections (Lyme, mycoplasmas, hidden viruses, Candidiasis etc.).
Other naturally occurring molecules are often needed. These include DHEA, 7-keto DHEA, Pregnenalone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone and high doses of Riboflavin (Vit-B2) and niacinamide (Vit-B3), Oxaloacetic Acid (Benegene™) can be used to activate the Krebs Cycle and a special fat soluble form of thiamine (Vit-B1) called Allithiamine activates the rate limiting enzyme in the conversion of food to energy in the mitochondrion: Pyruvate dehydrogenase (also known as "The Pyruvate Enzyme" because it is so important).
Finally, even with a change of diet, correction of the microbiome and digestion, sometimes the mitochondria won't get into gear and start pouring out energy. In those cases we have to apply various intravenous therapies including oxidative therapies to jump start the mitochondria and kill the chronic infections that are jamming up the systems.
Contact our Center if you would like to see Dr. Waters about your fatigue and getting the correct dose of the above very important nutrients.